Munchkins Bili-Bibi: She’s not good for a girl, she’s just good!

She’s not good for a girl,  she’s just good!

von Suzanne Hemming
Format: Taschenbuch
Sprache: Englisch
Seitenzahl: 24 Seiten
Verlag: The Chops Books
ISBN: 978-0-9957259-0-4
Preis: 7,95 Euro (Taschenbuch)

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This is going to be my first English review!


When Frank says Florence can’t be good at sport because she’s a girl, she challenges him, his preconceptions, and in the process, her own!


I saw this one in Andy Murray’s Instagram feed and because he was very fond of this book I thought I’d give it a go.

I really like this book because it is far too often that, as a girls mom, you hear the people say that something your daughter did was „quite good – for a girl“. 

This is a book to encourage your own little daughter to not think of herself as „being good – for a girl“ bit for being good. 

Florence, the girl in the book, gets taught by her dad, that everything is possible if only she is practicing hard. So Florence learns how to throw far and how to run fast. She does not give anything on the warnings of her mom but keeps persistent and is listening to her dad who unconditionally believes in her. 

And when she gets bullied by a boy from her school she challenges him. 

The story come in some sort of rhymes and with quite a good sense of humor which will also attract even the youngest readers. And it is also a good way to teach parents to believe in their girls and don’t keep her from anything. Girls are awesome!

The illustrations are okay, I’m not the person to love picture books, but the drawings go along with the text, and are appropriate even for young children. 


In my opinion this book is a must-have for any girls parents.

5 von 5 Sternen


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