Dieser Artikel wird definitiv mein Internet-Fundstück der Woche ! Das soll man nicht für möglich halten ! Hat die Polizei eigentlich nichts besseres zu tun ? Verbrecher jagen zum Beispiel ??? Unglaublich !
Herford: Polizei nimmt Eichhörnchen bei Blitzmarathon fest
Read this post in English!
This article is definitely my Internet-find of the week ! It seems almost incredible that the police should not have anything better to do. How about chasing criminals ??? Unf*ckingbelievable !
The link is available in German only so I will not repost it here.
In general the article says that the German police arrested a squirrel because of an „act of sabotage“ during a radar control 🙂 The squirrel was jumping around on the street and tried to climb up the officers. As they faced „danger to life and limb“ they decided to better arrest the squirrel for one and a half hours. 🙂